--> Black Friday, Big Sale up to $200 off. Discount Code: BALANX2021

Black Friday Specials—Up To $250 OFF (NOV 29~DEC 6)

How to download Balanx EMS App?


Download from iOS

1. Open APP store

💡Or you can simply click or copy this link to your web browser (Safari) to be redirected

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/balanx/id1470019204

2. Search 'balanx'

💡What does balanx mean?
balanx is the Latin origin of the word "balance". In modern life, it is difficult for us to strike a balance between work and life. So balanx is a way to do a highly effective workout to rebalance. 

3. Get balanx APP

4. Enjoy your balanx training

